Gáski physiotherapy: 568 9009 • Þönglabakka 1, 109 Reykjavík • Bolholti 8, 105 Reykjavík • afgreidsla@gaski.is

Í boði hjá Gáska

Meðferðarsvið Gáska

Ahliða þjálfun og endurhæfing


Í samstarfi við sjúkraþjálfara stígur þú skref í átt að bata.


Fáðu sérhæfða æfingaáætlun og leiðbeiningar um hvernig þú getur æft skynsamlega.

AquaNatal exercise

Hlúðu að þér á meðgöngunni með því að gera skynsamlegar æfingar undir öruggri handleiðslu sjúkraþjálfara.

Successful fitness

We are always present at the facility to assist you

We become our habits and we know that repeated exercises pay off. With an individually designed and varied exercise program from the trainers at Gáski, you will achieve stability by performing exercises that will result in better daily health and well-being.

25+ Years Experience

Elementum fringilla risus gravida tristique dis hac curabitur sociosqu habitant

A strong team

Why choose Gáski

Hjá Gáska starfa yfir tuttugu þaulreyndir sjúkraþjálfarar með reynslu á mjög breiðum grunni.

VIð erum rannsakendur og kennarar

Mörg okkar hafa unnið við rannsóknir innan háskólasamfélagins, við kennum verðandi sjúkraþjálfurum og fáum birtar eftir okkur greinar.

Við erum auðmjúkir og fróðleiksfúsir sérfræðingar

Meðal Gáskverja eru nokkrir lærðustu sjúkraþjálfarar landsins. Við hvetjum og styðjum hvort annað, nýtum okkur sérsvið og áhugsvið hvors annars og störfum saman. Þú færð ekki bara þinn sjúkraþjálfara, þú „færð" okkur öll.

We are sports lovers

Meðal sjúkraþjálfara Gáska finnur þú reynda atvinnuþjálfara úr ýmsum íþróttagreinum, fyrrverandi afreks íþróttamenn/konur og fólk sem brennur ástríðu fyrir íþróttum. Við hlökkum til að vinna með þér í íþrótta endurhæfingu þinni.

Spacious fitness facilities

Both in Mjódd and Bolholt we offer spacious and bright fitness facilities that are open from 8-16 on weekdays.

Questions & answers

Here are some common questions

Sometimes it's useful to see what other people want to know...

At Gáski we have specialized physiotherapists who focus on sports injuries. We build the ankle's progressive ability to balance and perform complex exertions, all according to the demands of the sport on the ankle.

Read more here.

It is often difficult to pinpoint how daily activities and body movements cause strain on the musculoskeletal system. It is therefore good to have access to an insightful partner who can guide you in how to take better care of yourself. This is one of the things you and your physical therapist work on, which is often the best prevention against stress symptoms in the back.

Read more here.

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. Wear and tear in the skeletal system is a normal complication of advancing age, but osteoarthritis is considered early cartilage destruction and is an irreversible, chronic disease. Osteoarthritis can occur in all joints, but is most common in the hands, knees, hips and back.

Read more here.

Today, so many activities require the use of screens, and it’s a challenge for everyone to avoid the harmful effects of excessive screen use on the musculoskeletal system. Our body is designed for movement, not to be static. We maintain health in the musculoskeletal system with suitable, regular exercise during the day, and long term. To find ways to integrate this need for movement with voluntary, or work-related screen use, is a challenge for many.

Read more here.

Swimming has proven beneficial for many women during pregnancy. Aquanatal classes offer customized gymnastics classes, in the water, for pregnant women. The classes are led by a physiotherapist and have been very popular. Here you can read about which Aquanatal activities are available.

Ragnar Hermannsson works at Gáski, and for the past 20 years he has worked almost exclusively in helping people overcome their shoulder problems. He has also held numerous in-house courses and has ensured that physiotherapists at Gáski are on the front line when it comes to tackling shoulder problems.

Read more here.


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